Butterscotch1950 23rd August 2019

I remember when I was young and nana would rush across the road from her home to ours late at night because she wanted me to see the full moon. She would say 'Good night Mr moon, see you again tomorrow'. I still find myself pointing out a full moon to my kids and they say the same. Nana had so much to share with us all. So much passion for the beautiful word we live in, nature, culture and, of course, wild music, wild weather (esp watching the waves crashing along the peer in a storm) and wild sports. As long as we all pause to look at the poppy fields, the beautiful sunset (she was never out of bed in time for a sunrise!), listen to the birds in the trees, then that's nana with us. As long as we love and appreciate one another, remember to give our children an extra big hug, and find forgiveness with others, but most importantly ourselves, then nana would be happy for us. Looking back on the photos of nana and granda and seeing the love between them, I firmly believe that never died, it's in us all because we are a part of them. I'm honoured to call Harry and Annelie my grandparents and thrilled that they were - and are - a part of my life.